How do I keep my cat cool?

How do I keep my cat cool?

How do I keep my cat cool?

No matter the breed of cat you have, we all need to be vigilant during hot weather. Excessive heat is dangerous for cats and potentially life threatening. It is vital to be able to spot symptoms early and protect your cat. This will allow you to act fast and avoid further issues.

If you have a brachycephalic or short nosed cat (Persian, British Short Hai, Himalayan etc.) you need to take extra care in hot weather. Animals’ noses play a vital role in keeping them cool. They do this by releasing excess body heat into the air when they breathe out. As a result of the reduced space inside the noses of flat-faced breeds, they can’t release heat efficiently this way. This leaves them at a very high risk for Heatstroke, even on cooler days. Their tolerance for heat is much lower than ours and their long-nosed friends. During hot weather it is important to be able to spot the symptoms of heatstroke. Constantly considering “how can I keep my cat cool?” is key to avoiding issues in warm weather.

Signs of Heatstroke: 

  • Heavy panting.
  • Increased respiratory noise – even more so in flat faced cats.
  • Visible distress.
  • Bright red tongue or gums.
  • Rapid heart rate or pulse.
  • Excessive drooling.
  • Shaking.
  • Loss of coordination.
  • Confusion.
  • Vomiting and/or Diarrhoea.
  • Weakness and/or collapse.
  • Semi or complete loss of consciousness.
  • Seizures.
  • Death.

This may seem a frightening and long list of symptoms. Your cat may show one or many more of these if they become overheated. Quickly spotting them will help you take swift action to cool your cat and call your vet. Prevention is always better than a cure. How can I keep my cat cool? Try to avoid getting to a situation where your cat is displaying these symptoms. If you feel they are getting overheated, follow these top tips.


Cooling your pet safely

If you suspect your cat may be displaying signs of heatstroke it is important to immediately begin to cool them safely. These are emergency first aid measures, if you suspect heatstroke, call your vet and start actively cooling your pet immediately.

  • Remove your cat from the heat into a cool well-ventilated environment, a fan is always beneficial.
  • Avoid stress. Keep your cat calm with a soothing tone of voice.
  • First provide cool but not freezing water for your cat to drink.
  • Never use freezing or very cold water to cool your cat, this can cause shock. Use tepid or cool but not cold water.
  • Lay your cat on a wet towel, again not freezing cold. Slowly start to wet their ears, feet and fur. A spray bottle can be good for this
  • Continue to actively cool your cat on the journey to the vets, ideally in an air-conditioned car.

Most importantly, plan your playtimes, keep your cat cool in hot weather. Choose a well-ventilated area with plenty of access to fresh water. Keep them entertained – but not active, and keep them safe.

Cats love to lie in the sun. It is important to closely monitor this habit. Older cats are especially vulnerable to heat but are also more likely to sunbathe for too long due to mobility issues. Ensure your cat regularly takes a cooling off break in a cool shaded area. Take care to ensure they do not become trapped in conservatories or greenhouses as these can be extremely dangerous.

For more advice, please contact one of our experienced Registered Veterinary Nurses

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