As of 1st January 2021, the UK will become a Part 2 Listed Country. This has implications for pet travel.
Anyone travelling to, or through, Europe with a pet cat, ferret or dog (including assistance dogs) will no longer be able to use their UK issued Pet Passport.
From 1st January 2021 pets will need to be issued with an Animal Health Certificate (AHC) for international travel. This can only be issued by an Official Vet (OV). The AHC must be used within 10 days of issue and is only valid for one single trip. It will be valid for return to the UK within 4 months of issue. Once the pet has entered the EU it will be valid for onward travel within the EU for 4 months OR when the rabies vaccine expires.
It will only be valid for the travel of non-commercial dogs, cats and ferrets. In summary, owners will be permitted to travel with a maximum of 5 pets. Exceptions to this made if the travel is for competitions/shows/sporting events or training. You will need written evidence of registration to prove this.
To qualify for an AHC firstly pets must be microchipped. Following this they must also be vaccinated against rabies a minimum of 21 days before travel. Pets must be 12 weeks old to have a rabies vaccine. If the pet is remaining in the EU for the duration of the stay, they no longer need to have a rabies blood test.
Finally, for return to the UK dogs must be given a tapeworm treatment 24 to 120 hours before travelling. This must be administered and recorded by a veterinary surgeon.
In summary, if you are a UK national living in the EU and plan to travel with a UK issued Pet Passport you should speak to your vet. They will help to ensure you are compliant with the EU Pet Travel Regulations.
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